Tattoo portfolio by Kama Żurakowska at INKsearch
Kama Żurakowska artist avatar
Kama Żurakowska

Tattoo Artist

Poznań, Poland

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Najlepiej czuje się w blackworku, dotworku i szkicowanych pracach. Rzadko sięga po kolor ale za to nie pogardzi realistyczna czaszką! Uwielbia mieszać style i eksperymentować czarnym tuszem. ENG She feels best in blackwork, dotwork and sketched works. She rarely reaches for color, but a realistic skull will not disdain it! She loves to mix styles and experiment with black ink.

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undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo
undefined inksearch tattoo

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