Tattoo portfolio by Oleksandr - Juni Tattss at INKsearch
Oleksandr - Juni Tattss artist avatar
Oleksandr - Juni Tattss

Tattoo Artist

Wrocław, Poland

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About user

Tattoo artist from Ukraine, Red Berry Studio Tattoo (Wroclaw) Porządna dawka czerni, nieograniczona ilość wyobraźni oraz solidna porcja abstrakcji Pierwsze kroki w tatuuowaniu stawiał od 2007 roku, by w 2010 stało się ono jego pracą. hobby: rzeźba , ceramika , malarstwo , aerografia ENG Tattoo artist from Ukraine, Red Berry Studio Tattoo (Wroclaw) A good dose of black, an unlimited amount of imagination and a solid portion of abstraction He took his first steps in tattooing from 2007, so that in 2010 it would become his work. Hobbies: sculpture, ceramics, painting, aerography

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