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Read the latest news about tattoos and lifestyle

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Makijaż permanentny a ciąża i karmienie piersią – czy jest bezpieczny?

Makijaż permanentny to popularny zabieg, który pozwala podkreślić naturalne piękno i oszczędzić czas na codziennym makijażu. Jednak nie zawsze możemy go wykonywać. Ciąża i okres karmienia piersią to bezwzględne przeciwwskazania do wykonania makijażu permanentnego. Dlaczego? Przeczytaj to poniżej.

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Mikropigmentacja skóry głowy: nowoczesne rozwiązanie dla problemów z włosami

Mikropigmentacja skóry głowy (SMP) to innowacyjna metoda, która zyskuje na popularności wśród osób borykających się z problemami związanymi z utratą włosów. Zabieg ten polega na wprowadzeniu pigmentu do warstwy skóry głowy, co pozwala na stworzenie iluzji gęstszych włosów lub całkowicie ogolonej głowy. SMP jest szczególnie atrakcyjna dla tych, którzy chcą uniknąć bardziej inwazyjnych procedur, takich jak przeszczep włosów. W artykule przyjrzymy się bliżej temu, co wpływa na cenę mikropigmentacji skóry głowy, oraz jakie czynniki warto wziąć pod uwagę przy wyborze specjalisty.

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Ornaments tattoos

Read about the importance of ornament tattoos and check where to find the best tattoo artist!

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snake tattoo symbolism

The snake motif is one of the most interesting and symbolic designs that are often chosen among tattoo lovers. Learn more and check out the tattoo artist who will make a snake tattoo

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Tattoo of a Samurai Character - Symbolism

Samurai character tattoos are a good choice when looking for a tattoo design that symbolizes courage, discipline, honor and loyalty.

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Tattoo with moon design

What is the meaning of the moon tattoo? A tattoo with this motif has many meanings. It is a symbol often associated with motherhood, femininity and mystery.

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Anchor Tattoo: Symbolism and Meaning

For centuries, tattoos have served as an expression of personal identity and belonging. One of the popular motifs that has survived the centuries and retained its symbolism is the anchor tattoo. This highly recognizable symbol reflects power in constancy and its meaning is still alive in today's society. In this article, we will take a look at the history, symbolism and meaning of the anchor tattoo and how it affects modern society.

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Mobile app for Rotterdam Tattoo Convention

Download Rotterdam Tattoo Convention app and make the event more fun!

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INKbusiness e-commerce sale

Save on tattoo supplies and equipment at the INKbusiness store

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Tattoos on the ear

Is a tattoo on the ear a strange idea? Absolutely not! Read the latest article and find out what you need to know about it before signing up for a piercing.

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INKtober 2022

Join the global drawing challenge and grow every day!

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Tattoos Sticker

Tattoos that look like stickers? It's possible! Learn about the strong trend in tattoo art and see if it's something for you.

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Dog Day 2022 - Get a Dog Tattoo

Dog Day is the perfect time to consider a dog-themed tattoo. Read the article and learn more about our suggestions for dog-themed tattoos!

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Henna Tattoo

Henna tattoo - where did it come from, how to make it and is it a fashionable decoration of our body?

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Tattooed freckles - the beauty trend of 2022

A fashionable trend in tattooing? Freckle tattooing is definitely in this category. Learn the details of the procedure and see if it's something for you!

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Friendship Day 2022 - Gift Idea for a Friend/Friend.

Looking for a Friend's Day gift idea? Think of a gift for life - a tattoo!

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Don't let your tattoo fade - see how to prevent tattoo fading.

Afraid that your tattoo, after a few years, will look like it's a few decades old? See how to take care of your tattoo so it doesn't fade.

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"Tattoourist in London" – Check out the Best Tattoo Studios in London

Sunny and cloudless London? This is not a joke! That kind of weather accompanied our INKbusiness team who traveled to this magical city in late March in search for the best tattoo studios in London!